Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hemp Seeds for Weight loss – Burn Fat Naturally!

hemp seeds weight loss
hemp seeds weight loss

With hemp seeds weight loss has never been easier! Discover the incredible benefits of using hemp seeds for losing and managing your weight – rightly referred to as nature is fat burning food.

What exactly is Hemp?
Hemp is obtained from nuts of the same name and contains mostly oil. Hemp seeds are among those that contain the lowest level of saturated fats, and are remarkably nutritious in any form – powder, whole or liquefied. It is a wholesome source of protein and essential oils combined in the perfect ratio for consumption. Moreover, about 65 percent of the protein can be efficiently digested by the human body in raw form, making it suitable for consumption in salads without the need of cooking.
A downside to using hemp and its products is that since it needs to be imported (the prime ingredient is marijuana, cannabis), it might not be very cost-effective. However, the seeds, powder and oils are not addictive or harmful.

What is the Constitution?
A couple of scoops of hemp powder amount to approximately 30 grams. This amount contains:
·         115 calories
·         2.8 grams of fat
·         No trans-fats
·         0.4 grams of saturated fat
·         2.0 grams of polyunsaturated fat
·         0.4 grams of monounsaturated fat
·         ½ gram of omega-6 fatty acids
·         ½ gram of omega-3 fatty acids
·         13 grams of carbohydrate, half of which is dietary fiber
·         11 grams of protein
·         No cholesterol
·         No sodium

What Gives Hemp its Color?
Hemp products and derivatives are green because of the high amounts of chlorophyll – a compound that facilitates the process of photosynthesis and healing in plants.

How Does Hemp Taste?
Hemp seeds have a rich nutty flavor. According to some, the seeds taste like a mixture of cashew nuts and pine nuts. All in all, hemp seeds are delicious and enhance the flavor of salads and others foods they are added to. 

Hemp seeds, Nuts, Oils and Powder
No matter how you consume it, hemp is an amazingly effective natural antidote for burning fat in a healthy and safe way. Many people have started using hemp for managing their weight, and it is now available at many supermarkets and health food outlets.

In all the above forms of hemp, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 4:1. This balance is perfect to protect the body against various forms of cancer and heart diseases.

Advantages of Hemp Seeds
Athletes and body builders prefer hemp seeds for its energy enhancing and muscle building proteins. Apart from sportsmen and professionals, Hemp Seeds for Weight loss for are a good addition to anyone’s fat-burning diet.

Hemp Products
As mentioned, you can make and use hemp in a variety of ways.

Hemp Oil
Hemp oil must be refrigerated to keep it fresh. Heat denatures its nutritious compounds, so it should be used for sauteing. It is an impressive and healthy substitute for salad toppings, sauces and smoothies. Adding hemp oil to hummus gives it a tasty twist.

Hemp Seeds
Seeds should be stored in a cool, dry place. Once the container has been opened, refrigerate it to avoid any moisture going through. Use it within a few months. Adding hemp seeds and broccoli to hummus, dips, soups, stews, breads, muffins and salads is a great idea for a tasty and healthy treat, or you can simply consume them whole!

How Much Hemp Oil Should You Consume?

Broadly speaking, one tablespoon amounts to one serving. However, the exact amount varies with the recipe. The number of people you are planning to serve is a good guide.